John Lane, founder of the Sudbury Independent Parkinson's Group, was named the South Suffolk Champion Champion for 2024. Pictured from left: Mr Lane with South Suffolk MP James Cartlidge and nominator Dawn Fitzgerald. Contributed picture.
The leader of a support group for people living with Parkinson’s disease has been recognised as a community champion in an annual awards scheme.
John Lane, of Sudbury, was named 2024 South Suffolk community champion at Alpheton Village Hall, as selected by MP James Cartlidge.
Now in its second year, the award aims to ‘recognise the unsung heroes who do so much for the area’.
Those short-listed this year included charity fund-raisers, community transport operators and good neighbourhood schemes.
Mr Lane was nominated for his work with Sudbury Independent Parkinson's Group, which he set up in 2023 following the closure of the local Parkinson’s UK group in 2020.
Reacting to his award win, he said: “I was overwhelmed when I heard about the hard, relentless work done by all the other nominees.
“I did not know I had been nominated until a week before the ceremony. I was gobsmacked but over the moon, too.
“We want more people affected by Parkinson's to come to us so they know they don't have to hide away in embarrassment because of their symptoms.
“My late wife Martine would have been very proud we got the group going again.
“My thanks to James and his team for thinking of us.”
Mr Cartlidge said there had been many deserving nominees this year, paying tribute to those who gave their up time to ‘help others and make our communities a better place to live’.
He said: “As was the case last year, all of the nominees were worthy winners.
“I have chosen John to be my 2024 community champion for his tireless hard work reinstating a support group to enhance the lives of local people affected by Parkinson’s in a supportive and social way.
“I wholeheartedly back his mantra of ‘if it only helps one person then it’s all worthwhile’.”
Published in the Suffolk Free Press.